3D Dragon coming out of water frame

Artist name: Faziha Shoeb
Description: U-18, Cardboard Sculpture
3D Dragon coming out of water frame

0 thoughts on “3D Dragon coming out of water frame

  • Judge #5-This paper dragon exhibits a good use of geometric shapes to create fluidity and movement, the opposite of triangles, so well done. One can imaging the next movements of the sea creature. There also seems to be some expression in the face of the serpent as well, which is fun to look at.

    • Judge #3- Cardboard is stiff, yet this artist is able to create a natural, lifelike form– except for the tail. The face and neck of the dragon are very well sculpted, making the viewer wonder what lies beneath.

  • Judge 2. You get high marks for difficulty, just like in the Olympics. And you mostly succeeded. This dragon is a spikey fellow, very fearsome. You really captured that. I’m in awe of how you persevered and made it work, so many great details.

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