
Artist name: Ciara Allen
Description: Marker on paper 9"x12"

0 thoughts on “Unititled-Allen

  • Judge #5-A tremendous amount of time went into this drawing, as pixilation requires. This is an enigmatic piece, which a manmade structure, silos, presumably towers for nuclear reactors, rising up past the tree line. The steam becoming flowers, a quiet presentation which does not shout either way, fear of nuclear power and time to give it a rest or perhaps retire coal and let this type of energy blossom, both sides have valid points, this artists allows the viewer to contemplate the image and ask the questions.

  • Judge #2 – I love the ambiguity of this piece. If you ignore the content, on first glance, this is a pleasant dream like scene, like a bouquet in a vase with soft calming colors. However the viewer readily identifies the reactor chimneys and the cloud bellowing out of the chimney is reminiscent of the cloud of a nuclear explosion., at least if you are hypersensitive to such things as I am. A beautiful dream with undercurrents of a nightmare. Powerfully and effectively done.

  • I enjoy illusionary images. Following with Judge number two spoke of as the visuals or the visual possibilities of this piece, I enjoy looking at it.

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