Waterlilies in the Valley

Artist name: Bona Schaffer
Description: 18 x 24 acrylic
Waterlilies in the Valley

0 thoughts on “Waterlilies in the Valley

  • Judge #1- I love the bold use of color and the thoughtful placement of chunky swatches within a specific color scheme inside defined borders that build up a pattern. I love this style!

  • Judge 2. This is an interesting take off on Van Gogh. I like the dark trees as counterpoint to the rest of the painting. It lacks the motion that is so important in Van Gogh’s works. It’s important to find other ways to move views, perhaps more contrast and less equal division of the color fields.

  • I like this for it van Gogh similarities as were mentioned in the previous post. But I do think this piece lacks contrast and shape.

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