Near Fissure

Artist name: Jazmine Schwartz
Description: Acrylic 8"x10"
Near Fissure

0 thoughts on “Near Fissure

  • Judge #3- This piece draws the viewer in to look beyond the signage — which I believe is an interpretation of the female symbol– perhaps a pregnant female symbol — which is one of the many questions this acrylic prompts in the viewer.

  • Judge 2. What a bold symbol and painting. I like the way the slashing paint gives, what might be a static work, tons of energy. It could stand being 6 feet tall to further project power. If this is a symbolize female, it’s Wonder Woman. You wouldn’t want to tangle with her. The limited color with light areas works very well with this well integrated work.

  • Judge 2. What a bold symbol and painting. I like the way the slashing paint gives, what might be a static work, tons of energy. It could stand being 6 feet tall to further project power. If this is a symbolized female, it’s Wonder Woman. You wouldn’t want to tangle with her. The limited color with light areas works very well with this well integrated work.

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